How to Use this Blog Site

This blog is about my battle with weight and the journey that ensued.

Along the way are some not so subtle side tales but, for the most part, it is in chronological order. If you want the story from the beginning, start on March 24, 2009 at "The Tipping Point", and read your way to today. Thanks and best of luck on your journey.

If you want to keep up with this blog, please become a 'follower' on the right and you will get updates when I add something.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

"What Do You Know?" Insanity: Day 31 of 60

Hey, guess what?  Someone who will not be named because she hates public exposure on the internet is down seven pounds since starting my June Challenge Group.  No Shakeology (shame) but just the workout DVDs for the Tony Horton Power Half-Hour and with something more than a casual commitment to some form of daily exercise.

Last week, the comment was, “Wow, I can see improvement.  I was able to finally do the whole workout.”  This morning, the comment was, “I’ve lost about seven pounds.”

Many feel that weight-loss and fitness management are difficult things.  As a culture, we seem to love the drama of putting obstacles in front of ourselves.  It’s as if some of our lives are so uneventful that we need to turn it into an X-Men movie or something to feel like we are alive and kicking.  The reality is that there are issues in everyone’s lives, but many (if not most) are completely manageable with very little effort.  It just makes us feel good to think we just cured cancer.

I actually created a name for it many (many) years ago in college…”Low Hurdle Syndrome.”  It’s when you take a really small obstacle and make it look big for everyone else by painting it as “awful” or “huge.”  Then, when one takes that little bitty hop over it, it makes the effort look like that person just tackled Mount Everest.

I listen to a lot of people talk about their lives as if they were a reality TV show.  Seriously, that's not a very high bar.  There's a reason that an entire season of the Kardashians lasts only 13 episodes at 40 minutes each.  It’s because their lives only have about 8.5 hours of drama a year.  They just make it look like a lot with reruns, plastic surgery and poor parenting examples.

When we hear about someone who actually has real tragedy and difficult issues in their life, we cannot even fathom what dealing with THAT would be like.  Why?  Because those issues are REAL!!  The real barometer to figuring out who is dealing with real issues and who has drama, is the noise level.  It is completely ironic that the people with the worst possible situations and the most in need of help are almost always the ones you NEVER hear from.  They endure it silently.  No drama.  How often have you heard something truly tragic about someone even as close as a good friend and then say, “Wow.  I had no idea.”   Why?  Because real issues are only made worse by drama.  To survive them, you need to feel like you can control them…and you can’t control them in a morass of noise. 

So when we talk about potentially losing weight and getting fit, the drama flies.  “I can’t possibly do that.”  “I can’t possibly keep that piece of birthday cake from going into my mouth and down my esophagus.”  “There is NO WAY that I could eat less.”  “Exercise for 30 minutes is SO HARD.  30 whole minutes?  Seriously, I hate to get all sweaty.”

Seriously?  I have heard all of those excuses and about a hundred more.  I have watched some of the folks with the excuses actually sweat while eating!  When you attack your food so voraciously that it makes you sweat…there’s a problem.  When eating actually has become your form of exercise, the vicious cycle has just devoured you.

So, from the first paragraph of this blog, you see it has been demonstrated (again, and not just by me) that with a little effort and consistent attention to the matter, weight loss will happen.  It doesn’t happen without the effort, but the effort is not as overwhelming as we all make it.

Smile.  It’s easier than you think.  You will feel much better when you have found out that how you look and feel is completely up to you.  It’s liberating.  It’s like when you first got your Driver’s License and realized that you could go anywhere you wanted.

Ready to hop in and go for a spin?  I have many new cars lining up just for the rest of you!

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