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This blog is about my battle with weight and the journey that ensued.

Along the way are some not so subtle side tales but, for the most part, it is in chronological order. If you want the story from the beginning, start on March 24, 2009 at "The Tipping Point", and read your way to today. Thanks and best of luck on your journey.

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Fat Is Not Acceptable: Intro


This is the last diet book you should ever buy. Why? There are many reasons, but mainly, because this is not a diet book. It is a book on how to become a healthy and fit person. This is not about a diet, it is about a lifestyle choice. There came a moment in my life when I experienced a breaking point and I literally threw a switch in my brain to make a change and chose to live my life in a different way. You have to make that choice too and you have to make it alone. Society and our popular culture will not help you. It is a choice that, unfortunately, is getting harder and harder for everyone to make and maintain. I made the choice because of how I honestly felt about myself. How I felt when I looked into the mirror, or put on my big clothes, or ate until I thought I was going to be sick. I also continue to make that choice every day. I moved my health and my physical condition to the priority position it now occupies in my life and I have never felt this good. I feel better, I look better, my self-esteem is much higher, and I will be able to enjoy this life I have been given for a lot longer than my condition was going to allow. It came down to a choice I made for myself. If this book helps you make that choice for yourself, you will never again need a book on dieting.

Before I write another word, I want to address something…the title. This is not an apology, it is an explanation. I chose this title consciously. It is not meant to be amusing. Every day I see a culture that is increasingly focused on simply sitting in one place and eating. We use food as conversation, food as an accessory, and food as recreation. All references to gluttony aside, it wouldn’t be so bad if it were balanced with exercise. It is not. We are literally drowning in our own fat. We need to stop viewing ‘fat’ as a state of being and start viewing it as a medical condition. I will not sugar coat the word “fat.” We have used that word to describe this condition since we were kids. As our society evolves in its “political correctness” we love to soften these harsh toned words. We find nicer ways to say them. Let me ask you something, “how is that working for you?” This book will focus more on this topic but suffice to say that if you are overweight, obese or morbidly obese, you need to be able to look at yourself honestly in the mirror and say the title of this book to yourself. You need to say these words because, in this politically correct society, people won’t say it to you or anyone else openly (but they will think it). You need to say these words because it may just save your life. Fat is NOT acceptable. Say it to yourself. Say it with conviction. I did. I still say it every day. I can show you how to change your life because I changed my own. This is my story.

Two years ago, after a lifetime of yo-yo dieting and ultimately getting myself to the grand unhealthy weight of 285 pounds, I made a choice to change my lifestyle. It’s easy to read what I am writing and feel my attitude and dismissively say, “He has no idea, he has never been fat.” Oh yes I have. I have been fat my whole life. At certain points along the way, I have also been thin. I know what it is like because I have lived it too…until it was killing me. I did not make a choice to lose weight this time. I chose to put myself in a position where I would look good, feel good, be able to exercise, and, possibly, to extend the duration of my time on this planet. It just so happens that the change I was making also needed weight loss as a part of the formula. My goal couldn’t succeed without it. So I am serious when I say this story is not a diet story and that it is about making a healthy change in your life and lifestyle. There is a difference…and that is primarily why I am writing this book.

Currently, we are in the fattest state that humans have been in at any point on the evolutionary scale. I want to be clear here, I use the word FAT for a reason. I don’t call it “large” or “hefty.” I don’t refer to it as “big boned” or “overweight.” There is a scientific and clinical term for it. It is called fat. I am not into coddling things that are as seriously impairing to your life as are those globules of food storage cells exploding under your skin. Let’s deal with it honestly, fat is killing us. For all the gyms, sports programs, athletic equipment stores and sneaker companies, we are growing fat and unhealthy at a frightening pace. As a nation, since 1970, the United States has doubled the percentage of obese people from 15% to 30% with 8 states at rates of 35% or greater. All this has occurred in a period of only 40 years.

Stop for a moment and simply look around you. Think of yourself as a referee and go to a shopping mall and look at the people. Play judge. It doesn’t feel nice. In fact, it feels kind of nasty. But just do it. Look at everyone and ask yourself this question, “are they fat or thin?” You don’t need a special measuring tool. Your eyes and your judgment will suffice. Keep count. It may shock you because we are all so accepting today of something that has become the norm. In all honesty, our condition is easy to miss. Here is why. I once read, “If you put a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will leap out instantly. But if you put a frog in water at room temperature, and slowly bring it to a boil, the frog will cook without realizing it.” That is where we are right now. Fat is built into the fabric of our culture in such a way that we are unconsciously “cooking” and not even recognizing it until something drastic happens and it slaps us in the face. Take a good long look at the people around you and count the overweight ones. The percentage that you count is scary. You will note that what you call overweight is greater than 65% of the people. That is 6-7 out of every 10. As noted in a November 2009 American Health report on obesity, the percentage of people who are obese, classified by a Body Fat Percentage greater than 30%, is 27% of the people. More than 2 out of every 10 people you will meet are clinically obese. Take a real hard look around you. Then look at yourself and make an honest assessment.

Our cultural love affair of food and leisure is not going to change any time soon. Our society’s need to be “politically correct” is not going to change either. We are killing ourselves with our eating habits and it is not even socially acceptable anymore to be critical of that fact because it is “inappropriate” to judge the evidence. That evidence, of course, is the fat people all over our society. If you want a healthy life, YOU are going to have to change. This is something you have to do for yourself and that you may have to do with very little support from those around you. To do this, you need to be angry and fed up. You need to look at those around you, do the assessment, and then take a good long honest look at yourself in the mirror. You need to be angry with yourself. Once you have decided that you are not going to be one of the literal masses, you will have to change forever how you look at three things. You need to address how you eat, the physical machine you own that processes that food, and the level of physical activity in your life. That’s it. If you can understand and control those three things, you can change the quality of your life.

This book will cover how to think about what you eat. The word ‘diet’ has been severely misused in our culture. ‘Diet’ is not a verb. At least, it didn’t start that way. ‘Dieting’ is not something you do, like ‘talking’ or ‘working.’ ‘Diet’ is/was a noun. Your ‘diet’ is the food you eat daily to maintain your physical state of being. It is not a special word that, if employed in your life, results in the effect of weight-loss. ‘Diet’ is also not a special list of foods that you eat so that you can lose weight. There is no list. Companies who are desperate to make money and sell you their food products and weight loss programs made that up. Your diet is what you eat. What YOU eat. Period.

“Ooh, you lost so much weight! You look fabulous! What diet were you on?” If you answer this question properly, you should say, “I was eating X, Y and Z.” The answer to this question is not ‘South Beach’ or ‘Weight Watchers’ or ‘Atkins.’ Here is why. If someone came up to you and said, “Holy cow, you have really ballooned up, you’re huge! What diet were you on?” The answer wouldn’t be named after a place, a process, or anyone special. The answer should honestly be something like, “I was on the sleeve of Oreo’s, Ben and Jerry’s, sit on my ass all day diet.” Doesn’t have quite the same sexy ring as calling it the ‘Behemoth Diet’ or the ‘Big Alaskan Diet’ does it? The diets are all named for only one reason, so you can tell them apart and know which one to link back to the ad or infomercial you saw it on. Once you know the name, then you can buy their product. That is the only reason to put a name on a list of products that people will put in their bodies. Incidentally, when you are done reading this book and I have given you some pointers on what to eat, don’t refer to it as ‘Dick’s Diet’ or something equally lame. I would consider it embarrassing in the same way as one would consider naming something like ‘breathing’ with a special label. We all breath and we all should be eating like reasonable human beings. I just want to share with you what I have learned about doing it right. This book will attempt to change the way you look at the food you eat.

This book will cover exercise. We will go over the steps you need to take to view your life as one that requires activity to maintain your health and quality of life. Especially in your older years, this is critical. In your younger years, you should be building a lifestyle of activity so you can have those good habits all formed when ‘old age’ comes knocking on your door. It comes fast and, if you are in your young teens, twenty’s or thirty’s, is looming just around the corner. Make it a habit now.

Exercise is the toughest part of being a healthy person. Everyone can cut down on their food intake with very little effort. It does take will power to sit there while others are engorging themselves, but not a lot of work. It actually takes less time to NOT eat than it takes to eat. Exercise is a very different animal. It takes commitment. It takes time. You have to…gasp…sweat! Is it really necessary? Is it…really? Yes. No weight loss process has ever been successful without exercise. People who successfully lose weight exercise and exercise with frequency. Ever watch “The Biggest Loser” on TV? What do you see most on that show? It’s about losing weight, so why don’t they focus just on eating right and dieting? They don’t do that because eliminating food does not work without exercise. You also can’t do 40 minutes of television programming on NOT eating! When I watch that show it looks like they have those people exercising 24/7. It takes up almost 75% of the show! You need to exercise. Here is another factoid you will love. Once you lose the weight, if you stop living an active lifestyle, the weight comes back most of the time and much faster than it came off. That is why we will talk about making it a part of your life. Everyone should have a lifestyle of activity that matches their eating habits.

Many companies and corporations have spent a lot of money trying to convince you that being a healthy size is very complicated. They want you to know that their solution is THE one. They alone have solved this complicated riddle, especially for you. Of course they have. That is how they differentiate themselves from each other and make money. The fact of the matter is that achieving good health (in both your size and physical condition) is incredibly simple. It is hard and requires discipline, no doubt, but it is also very simple. I had to change how I look at my life. I had to change my priorities. This all happened over a four month period and has been hardened over the last two years. You can do this, you really can. I can be a sarcastic and brutally honest S.O.B. but I can also say with conviction that I believe all of you, if you can find the drive, can do this.

Lastly, who do I think I am? Who am I to be writing such a book and proselytizing on weight-loss? I am Dick St.Jacques, WD. What is the “WD?” It stands for Doctorate of Weight-Loss. Honorary. Actors, politicians, business people all get them from colleges and universities for a lifetime of experience in a particular field. I have 45 years of experience gaining weight, losing weight and ultimately culminating in a change in my lifestyle that will support long term health. I am ready to impart my wisdom upon you. For these reasons, I am bequeathing the degree upon myself…and Dr. Dick says, “Fat is NOT acceptable.”