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This blog is about my battle with weight and the journey that ensued.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

“Insane Days” Insanity: Day 38 of 60

Today is my third Fit Test.  Day 38 is the first ‘recovery day’ of the Max Phase of Insanity, or Phase II.  I didn’t do the Fit Test on Saturday when it was due because, after reading some of the experiences of people who did the Fit Test and Max Circuit…they were trashed.  I also read that the weekly Recovery workout was very light.  So I opted to do the Fit Test on recovery day.  I then did Fast and Furious just to round out the 40 minutes I wanted to devote to the exercises.

The Fit Test went real well.
Insanity: 36 Day Fit Test

SwKcks: 58:61:65
PwrJks: 63:70:65
PwrKns: 86:118:120
PwrJmps: 44:54:65
GlbJmps: 12:13:13
SuiJmps: 17:19:21
PshUpJks: 39:48:40 (no break day yesterday burned this one I guess)
LowPlnkObl: 61:73:75

Not bad. I don't think I can Globe Jump any faster without falling down. Next time there is a break day before the test and I WILL hit 60 PushUpJacks. And I am going to go back and personally count the PowerKnees for that little girl because she must be breaking form or added 10 when I didn't look....damn!! lol
I am powering along on Insanity but have a few observations.

I don’t like how many of the routines are laid out.  The exercises don’t mix well in terms of allowing for recovery from the last exercise.  If there was more focus on that, the workouts would be more efficient.  At some point, I would love to do a mash-up of the routines and re-assemble the order.  In fact, let’s put a little ‘to do’ check mark next to that one.

Another annoyance is the exercise circuits themselves.  If no one in the damn video can do them, how are you supposed to get through them at home?  I am in pretty good shape.  My fit test kind of shows that.  With that said, why structure a circuit that no one can finish?  If the idea is to really plow through, recover, go intense, and recover…wouldn’t it make sense to have exercises that people can actually do?  It’s a little frustrating.  So…in typical fashion for me, I have made personal adjustments to the routines that allow me to finish and maximize each one.  I think it’s working, it’s showing up in the Fit Test.

Lastly, the people in the video are so focused on going at Shaun T’s pace (not the pace he actually ‘does’, the pace he sets when he is walking around) that they all routinely violate form.  It’s hard to do the exercises in proper form while watching people with such BAD form.  I’ll give you an example.  There is one exercise set where you go Sprint and drop to low plank.  When he is not doing it, he literally gives you no time to sprint and you spend the routine dropping to low plank and hopping back up.  That’s just one example, but there are many.

Look, no routine is perfect.  The bottom line is, do the work, follow the form, sweat, and modify so that it is right for you.

Til tomorrow!

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