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This blog is about my battle with weight and the journey that ensued.

Along the way are some not so subtle side tales but, for the most part, it is in chronological order. If you want the story from the beginning, start on March 24, 2009 at "The Tipping Point", and read your way to today. Thanks and best of luck on your journey.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

P90X: "Sometimes I Hate Social Media" Day 55 of 90

No doubt, social media is changing our lives.  People can connect better than ever and “wordalog” much more frequently.  “Wordalog” is a term that I am taking credit for coining.  I think we are long overdue for a new word that describes what happens in social media (via eMail, texting, chat, webpage posting, blogging, etc.) when two or more people experience a communication interchange.  That said, it is the very act of “Wordalogging” that has caused my sometimes emotional hate for Social Media.

I would like to explain why.

People are using social media to interact in more ways than ever before.  The first observation about it is that Wordalogging happens with ten times the frequency of a verbal dialog.  It happens in a back and forth, ping-ponging way and is not even long enough in most cases to string together an intelligent thought.  It is nothing more than sound bites.  There is an inherent danger in sound bites because, as everyone knows, they occur mostly without context.  Even the most intelligent thought, without context, can be misconstrued and used as something else.

Wordalogging happens sporadically.  Many texts and chats happen as sound bites, but are also interspersed and mixed with OTHER people’s sound bites.  One person will be receiving bits and pieces of thoughts from several people at once.  There is no way to actually parse the wordalogs from so many different people, received sporadically, and reassemble them into real dialog without mistakes and miscues.

While people have become more used to typing and writing due to Wordalogging, the medium itself demands that messages be short, even annotated with abbreviations.  When people Wordalog, they are often brief because they run out of gas typing to several people at once.  They also might just be too lazy to respond appropriately.  They also will use icons and symbols that denote emotion, but use them poorly.  Last, they just might be abysmal writers.  Wordalogging is the most used means of communication today and is actually increasing at a very rapid pace.  It is also the most inefficient  and ineffective means of communication, which makes it very dangerous.

Wordalogging also severely lacks one of the most crucial elements of human interaction, tone and intent.  Even the most talented writers have a difficult time writing with tones such as sarcasm and irony.  When those words are read, the interpretation is completely left to the reader.  You also can’t understand intent.  Words meant as guidance are very easily confused and misinterpreted as judgement.  It all depends on the ego of the person reading it and the way something was written.  The only way to discern tone and intent is with a face to face interaction.  You can read things on a human face like sarcasm when something is said in a pointed way, but with a smirk.  You can understand empathy when someone offers hard advice, but with a sad look on their face.  None of this is visible in Wordalogging.  It can be the cause in damaging many relationships.

Wordalogging also creates an artificially protected space for someone to merely spout an opinion.  Confrontation of issues in a live public forum, face to face with real people, and in the swarm of true passion cannot be replicated in Wordalogging.  It is very easy for someone in Social Media to jump in, spout a point, insult a presenter, create an unsubstantiated rumor, and suddenly, without accountability, disappear.  Things that would never be said in a face to face confrontation just seem to fly all around the Social Media landscape.  In a face to face confrontation, you cannot simply disappear by logging off.  When people of passion are verbally communicating, you better be able to thrust and parry with your words while standing in an emotional hurricane.  You don’t have the luxury of shouting a few words and fleeing…you won’t be heard.  Wordalogging has created a safe haven for cowards who would never be caught dead voicing those same thoughts face to face.

Wordalogging has created volumes of noise in our communication.  Everyone can put in their opinion, so they do.  You can’t possibly get to the root of any issue with all of the electronic noise that is being created.  It is near impossible to sort out valid points from blathering.  You also can’t find the valid points because they were so inefficiently communicated.  You can’t discern the point because you have no context due to brevity and cannot understand tone due to the medium.  So, in the name of efficiency, hour upon hour is lost in social interaction and decision making simply due to having to sort out the noise.

True communication requires an understanding of the point, an interpretation of perspective based on motive and intent, and the ability to demonstrate interest in the subject matter.

None of this can be done when you are Wordalogging.

What does this have to do with P90X?  P90X is about getting all the bad things out of your system.   
Curiously, that is what happens when I feel the need to rant!

Now that’s funny.
See you tomorrow.

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