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This blog is about my battle with weight and the journey that ensued.

Along the way are some not so subtle side tales but, for the most part, it is in chronological order. If you want the story from the beginning, start on March 24, 2009 at "The Tipping Point", and read your way to today. Thanks and best of luck on your journey.

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Saturday, December 28, 2013

P90X3: Commitment! One week away!

One week away.  That's what I think as I look in the mirror.  It's not procrastination, it's preparation.  I am putting myself in the mindset of commitment.  You have to commit, one hundred percent.

What's my commitment?  Ninety days.  Ninety days of eating right...of sleeping right...of watching my progress...of not letting people and situations stop me...of doing every workout, every day.

This workout is thirty minutes long each day.  Seriously, if you can't find 30 minutes in each day, you don't want WISH this.  If you can't put aside 30 minutes, you aren't trying.  My daughter SHOWERS for almost 30 minutes...I have the hot water oil bills to prove it.  A TV sitcom is 30 minutes long!  COMMIT.  That comes first.

How have I committed this week?  I have watched almost all of the videos I will be using in the first 30 days of the 90 day period.  They are the same DVD's for three weeks.  I have gotten my pullup bar back out and checked it out for support and band issues (I use pullup bands off of the bar due to shoulder issues).

What else?  I have modified my eating,  more fruit and slowly eliminating sugary type items.  I have started drinking more water and less caffeine.  Hydration is key.  I am breaking out my mat this weekend and mark it according to the DVD workouts.  There is an agility set that calls for floor tape...I just use a Sharpie on my rubber mat.

As I look in the mirror, I can see the person I did not want to become again.  Months of sedate living has put me right back where I worked very hard NOT to be.  I'm not obese, but there is a much larger person in that mirror staring back at me than I am used to.  I don't want to be him.  I also know that the person in the mirror has only a short amount of time left.  Because I have done this successfully before.  How did I do it?  I committed 100% to the program.  The person in the mirror is slowly dying...he is on life support.  The person in my mind, the one I always see when I think about me, is ready to return.

I begin next Saturday, January 4th.  The rest of the group is starting on January 6th, but I always start on Saturday so that Friday is my break day.

Put this word in the top five of words you think of for the next 90 days.  COMMIT!!

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