How to Use this Blog Site

This blog is about my battle with weight and the journey that ensued.

Along the way are some not so subtle side tales but, for the most part, it is in chronological order. If you want the story from the beginning, start on March 24, 2009 at "The Tipping Point", and read your way to today. Thanks and best of luck on your journey.

If you want to keep up with this blog, please become a 'follower' on the right and you will get updates when I add something.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

P90X: Can Mortals Do This? Day 1 of 90

Am I crazy?  Some of you know me...feel free to weigh in here.  I have been watching these infomercials forever.  You can't miss them if you are channel surfing because they pop up on cable every 5 channels...especially at night and in the early mornings.  They mostly show up when you are really relaxing and make you feel like a massive lazy schlep.  So I ordered them.  I read the book/manual.  I looked at some of the DVD's...looked, not 'worked out to.'  It looked okay...not too killer.  At least that's what I thought sitting on the couch.  So I made the decision.  90 days.  I can do this.  But I don't just want to DO it...I want to share it.  I am sure everyone who has seen this has wondered, "What's it like?"  This is where you will find out.

I took my Day One photos.  I will post them for the Day Two blog along with my measurements, which the program advises.  I am a firm believer in living by the numbers, so whether or not this program works will be a matter of simple math and your own eyes. 

I have come a long way since the 285 lb guy looked in the mirror in 2008.  I am in pretty good shape.  I am also 50 as of next 'pretty good shape' from my perspective could very well mean that I win the shopping cart races at the grocery store.  But I do believe I am in decent shape for a 30 year old and great shape for a 50 year old.  That said, I am ready to do my P90X Day One workout.  Today is called Core Synergistics.  I am doing the P90X program which they call LEAN.  All to work out.

[Two Hours Later]

i am too tired to use caps.  i did like, half to three quarters of the workouts until I was burnt.  i don't want to accidentally break or rip something and have to stop.  on one exercise, I could barely do it at all...the ice skating side to side leg raise thingy.  i'm dead, never tried anything like this in my life.  now i am getting some water, vitamins and a protein bar.  ughhhhh.  i WILL get there.

incidentally, I now know why people lose weight on this's difficult to eat if you can't raise your arms.  good thing they ended with a yoga downward dog stretch...I may have to eat from my dog's bowl for a while.

okay...will let you know how things are tomorrow.  somehow it feels like i may be sore...really?  wow.  genius.

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