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This blog is about my battle with weight and the journey that ensued.

Along the way are some not so subtle side tales but, for the most part, it is in chronological order. If you want the story from the beginning, start on March 24, 2009 at "The Tipping Point", and read your way to today. Thanks and best of luck on your journey.

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Monday, February 6, 2012

P90X: Can Mortals Do This? Day 3 of 90

Sore.  I’m sore.  Everywhere.  I can honestly say that P90X, in only 2 days, must have used every muscle in my body.  At least I hope so.  So, no kidding…complete honesty…I feel it.  This is how I felt last year when, after not having skied for a year, I did about 7 hours on the slopes.  This is how I feel on a Sunday in the fall after I spend Saturday in the yard raking leaves.  My butt is aching from what I think was the Kempo Karate kicks.  My abs are a little stiff from the Superman/Banana thing (you have to be doing the P90X to understand that).  My shoulders are tender from the yoga pushups.

Now, I have to also say something else at this point.  This is where most programs like this come to an end for people.

“I can’t do this."

“My butt aches with every step.” 

“Why does my hair hurt?”

Okay, I threw that last one in to see if you were paying attention.  My hair feels fabulous.  Here’s the deal though…I’m sore.  I’m not dying.  ‘Sore’ is my body saying something to me…and it is NOT saying to quit.  Sore is letting me know that I am waking up muscles that should be getting used on a daily basis but, for whatever reason, are not.  When you exercise, particularly to get in shape or lose weight, there are moments where you have to deal with what your body, your physical machine, is trying to tell you.  Sore means that you are doing something new and unfamiliar.  Sore means ‘IT’S WORKING.’  Read that again.  IT’S WORKING.  This is not killing you.  It’s healing you.  You can do this, you really can.  I know I can do this, and I am aching in some very new places.  But in two weeks, I won’t be waking up THIS sore.  Because I will have woke up every muscle in the machine.

Here in New England, we are all a little sad this morning as our Patriots lost another Super Bowl to the New York Giants.  Everyone on that team will look at the other men that played with them and wonder if everyone worked as hard as they could or should have.  In team sports, victory is highly dependent on groups of people performing at their peak, together.  It is glorious and rare when that happens.  That is why it is so great.  This program, like any other exercise or weight loss program, is a different beast.  Don’t think New England Patriots, think Michael Phelps, the Olympic swimmer.  The only team that will be accountable for quitting now can be found in the mirror every morning.  It’s you and that person…get it?  But here’s the upside.  When you are done…when you come out of the other end of the tunnel…you own the victory.  You don’t share it with someone else.  It’s yours and yours alone.  When you look in that mirror, the sense of pride you will feel will be overwhelming.  It feels fantastic and you should know that right now.

You’re sore.  Start to translate that, in your head, into something good and positive.  It won’t last.  Here is the one last thing that sore does for you.  When you decide you want to eat something, or do something that will negatively impact the work you are doing, it gives you something tangible to balance that urge.  When your body feels just dandy, it’s real easy to toss a whole sleeve of Oreo cookies into your mouth, wash it down with 12 ounces of cold milk, and pop yourself into the warm cozy bed where those calories can comfortably attach themselves to your ass.  When you are sore from the work you are doing, and you look at those Oreos, there is a sound from your body that you will hear in the back of your brain that says, “Screw this, where’s the apples?”  Have one of those instead.  Hell, have two if you are that hungry.

I’m sore.  So what?  Say it won't kill you.  Sore is telling me that I am alive and getting stronger.  I will be sore again.  I will get through my work day.  I will eat well.  I will be doing my P90X tonight.  Count on it.

Tonight is Arms and Shoulders, and Abs.

[later that evening]

okay, I haven't used weights on my arms in a while...and certainly not the way Tony Horton did.  I tried purposely to not pick up weights that would be too heavy, knowing that I had to get to at least 11-12 reps per set.  It didn't help...I burnt my arms out.  I need to find a comfortable middle ground but have the feeling it may take weeks.  I wish there were an easier way, or wish they could give you was tough trying to figure out what would work.  I found myself keying off of the optimally worked out lady/girl and then going a bit lower.

the ab ripper X...well, I did this for months last year and did a lot better than I did tonight.  was I really this bad at it when I started?  I guess I was.  I will get there...I know I did my best because my muscles are burnt and I could not do one more rep.  I will heal...and I will return.  now, protein, vitamins, ni-quil (a cold started this AM) and bed.

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