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This blog is about my battle with weight and the journey that ensued.

Along the way are some not so subtle side tales but, for the most part, it is in chronological order. If you want the story from the beginning, start on March 24, 2009 at "The Tipping Point", and read your way to today. Thanks and best of luck on your journey.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"Damn, I'm Sore" Les Mills Combat: Day 2 of 90

No Soreness?

It’s weird but, usually, in the first week of a new Beachbody program, I am sore.  After P90X and Insanity, I kind of plan for it.  After almost two months off, I was REALLY planning on it.  Nothing.  That’s weird.  I’m fifty years old.  I should feel like crap.  Today is HIIT: Power.

Later:  Wow.  That workout was brutal.  Thirty minutes but the HIIT training uses weights and a lot of pushups and squats.  I am sore right now.  And tired.  What was this?  A day two surprise?  Thank god there is no Pump today.  I was sweating.  A lot.  Toward the end, when I couldn’t do anymore burpies (this combination of pushup and squat, over and over and over again), I just was on my knees, breathing heavy, and watching this little puddle of salt water form under my nose.  I was laughing a little…this is what I expected.

Dan, of Combat, was working out like an animal.  I used my 15 lb dumbbells for this set.  The DVD said to use 15-20 for advanced.  I opted for 15 because I don’t have 20’s.  I do have 25’s and considered them.  Mid-way through the routine, I was very happy that I pitched that idea.  Yep, overshot the runway again.  15’s it is.  Wednesday or Thursday (I have to check my schedule) is HIIT: Plyo.  Based on the experience I just had, that should be interesting.

Now THIS is how I was expecting to feel yesterday.  Burned out.

My diet is back on track as well.  The only difference is that with my rebuilt molars and the temporary caps that are on them, I can’t have my nut mix.  I was told not to chomp.  So, I will be dealing with softened granola.  I also put down some creatine and protein.  These muscles are going to need some help.

I know one thing.  Based on how I feel right now, I am going to be sore tomorrow.

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