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This blog is about my battle with weight and the journey that ensued.

Along the way are some not so subtle side tales but, for the most part, it is in chronological order. If you want the story from the beginning, start on March 24, 2009 at "The Tipping Point", and read your way to today. Thanks and best of luck on your journey.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"Starting Again" Les Mills Combat: Day 1 of 90

Every time I start a new Beachbody Program, it’s a new beginning.  I always think that I am more ready for this one than the last, and I always overshoot the runway.  This one though was okay.  I guess.  I just started Les Mills Combat.  Day one is Combat 30.  I am going to do it with Les Mills Pump.  I have my reasons, not the least of which is not finishing Pump and wanting to maximize the money I spent.  Ha ha.

I started 2012 with P90X in February.  Great results.  Then I did Insanity in May.  Great results…but I didn’t like it as much as P90X.  I took August off because of vacations but went to the gym to run.  Then I did Les Mills Pump in September.  After about 50 days, I got a pretty good sinus infection that required antibiotics and pretty much sapped all my strength.  So, I stopped toward the end of October.  I spent November and December selling my Christmas novel, A Faithful Elf.  I also spent the end of November and all of December treating a double root canal situation that was also causing me a lot of pain.

So here I am now, root canals done, sinuses clear, and with a new program.  The brand new Les Mills Combat.

Day One was not really that hard.  That’s kind of unusual.  P90X and Insanity were brutal.  Pump was not that big a deal at all.  In fact, through Pump, I found myself doing it with my treadmill just to make sure I was sweating.  I can say, though, that with Combat 30, I was sweating.  That’s good.  There was quite a bit of kicking, which is also good.  I had to get used to the moves and motions.  That’s the usual week one issues, though.  It was similar in ways to P90X’s Kempo X, which was one of my favorite routines.  I did Pump Challenge with it.  Again, Pump really does not challenge me that much.  I don’t know why.  It should be different though if I sweat it out with Combat first…we will find out eh?

Okay, tomorrow is something called HIIT: Power.  No Pump.  Let’s see how this goes.

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